Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Amnesty at all costs!

In My Humble Opinion :

The dogged determination being demonstrated by not only President Bush but also by those who have voted to end cloture in the senate absolutely baffles me. I don't presume to know what is being done or said behind closed doors but it must be some powerful deal making. Considering that 80% percent of us are opposed to amnesty and the current versions of the immigration reform bill under consideration, why is there such effort to pass it? 

Obviously this demonstrates a total disregard for the will of the people by elitists, career politicians who are completely out of touch with reality. Apparently they don't think that there will be any kind of consequences or they simply don't care. If that is the case, it does not bode well for we the voters of this country. 

Ah well, we will have to wait and watch to see how this will develop over the next few days. I will be praying for guidance and a return to some semblance of sanity and reason. God bless the USA.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


In My Humble Opinion :

Amnesty by any other name is still amnesty. The new ploy is to try to put a different dress and lipstick on the same ole pig and pass it off as a new animal. Well guess what? It isn't going to work and we are paying attention.  Another tactic in this renewed effort is to tout tougher border control and funding for the fence. Ok, so why wasn't the fence built when it was originally funded, what's different this time? 

Grassroots activism was very effective surprising many legislators with the groundswell and flood of letters, calls, and emails to their offices in opposition to this amnesty bill. I would urge everyone to continue the pressure double fold. In some instances it seems that our words are falling upon deaf ears, especially the politicians who are not intending to run for reelection or those finishing their current term and then leaving.  There are those however who do intend to run for reelection and the thought of facing angry constituents and having their campaign donations withheld concerns them greatly.

Grassroots activism is essential and is a vital part of the process as is voting. Voter apathy and complacency will doom us to the status quo and make the fat cat career politicians who are deeply entrenched in do nothing DC very happy. Now is the time to show them that we are wide awake, paying attention, and will seek retribution for betrayal. We should show them that no longer will we swallow the rhetoric, spin, and lies during campaigns only to see them side with whoever applies the most pressure, lobbies them the hardest, or lines their pockets the most. It is now time to return to the old idea of public service and actually representing the will of the people, not self interests. 

I ask you to stay informed, educate yourselves on facts regarding issues, and above all else, remain active and involved. Our enemies depend on inaction, apathy, complacency, and low voter turnouts. Our great country is worth fighting for and we need to start now. Make your voices heard loud and clear as you contact your elected representatives to encourage and urge them to vote no to amnesty!

God bless.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Elitist Politicians

In My Humble Opinion :

Politicians, especially those who have served more than one term seem to exhibit an attitude of in your face elitism. Guaranteed their salary for life and secure in having a retirement package that you and I can only dream of our DC representatives seem completely oblivious to the wishes of those of us who elected them. And why not, what do they have to lose?

During the campaign season we are treated to promises of the moon and stars but almost immediately upon taking the oath of office these folks seem to develop a severe case of voter amnesia. Their constituents can email, call, write, fax, and communicate to their hearts content but well trained staffers simply field the communications and process them to the nearest waste receptacle it seems. This seems to be the case with politicians who are serving out the last of their current term and have no intention or hope of reelection.

Blogs and websites talk about the level and degree of anger amongst the voter base. The current immigration legislation is a good example of how an issue can ignite voter interest. In one instance it was stated that a staffer at a prominent southern senator's office actually told a constituent that the senator really didn't care what they thought because he wasn't running for reelection anyway. I truly believe that this attitude is rampant among the current crop of representatives in DC.

So how do those of us in flyover country actually make our voices heard or hold our representatives accountable for their acquired deafness to our voices? The first step is to stay informed and be knowledgeable about issues that you have an interest in at the very least. The second step is to be active in the process and make every attempt to communicate with your elected representatives. Thirdly, withhold your donations to any and all representatives who have demonstrated a willingness to betray their constituents and sell out their values. If you want to see a politician become very attentative, withhold your money from them.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely believe in our system of government and although it certainly appears to be malfunctioning at the present time it can absolutely be fixed. A change in leadership is way overdo too. The last thing in the world that we need is career politicians whose primary interest is furthering their personal agenda and lining their pockets. Although all politicians can appear to be incredible masters of communication thanks to the work of good speech and copywriters, the one thing that politicians can not hide from is their voting record. No matter what they say, their voting record speaks for itself. We should look very closely at the actions that they have taken during their time in office.

This country, government,and way of life are very much worth fighting for. With faith, prayer, and an absolute set of standards to guide us we can survive and thrive again. Complacency and apathy will be our worst enemy in upcoming elections and voter turnout will determine how we will move forward. There are still good men and women who are willing to serve, we just have to find them.

God bless America.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fight On

In My Humble Opinion:

What about all of the immigration law that is currently on the books? Why would this problem require all this new legislation, especially legislation that is crafted behind closed doors? Why haven't any of the immigration laws been enforced to date and why should we think that it is going to be any different if we allow them to pass what is currently being proposed?

In a famous movie line we were told to "Be afraid, be very afraid." This is very appropriate now when considering what will happen if the legislation that is being considered is passed.

It is our duty to be informed, be involved, and be strong. Participate in the process by letting your elected representatives hear your voice. Be part of the solution by leting them know what you think about illegals immigrants overrunning our country.

I pray that our leaders will come to their senses and vote no!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Immigration, a sellout

In My Humble Opinion:

You can put a pig in a dress and call it a lady but it is still a pig. This is especially true of the current immigration bill being negotiated behind closed doors. Passage of this bill will be incredibly bad for this country. This is a veiled attempt to grant amnesty to anywhere from 12-20 million illegals currently in the US.

I implore you to research this issue and contact your respective legislators immediately to stop passage of this travesty. Act now before it is too late.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


In My Humble Opinion

Can there be anything, anything at all that is truly safe from being labeled as offensive to somebody? Everything from words, songs, symbols, and of course ideologies. Have we entered into some kind of nightmarish parallel time warp of hypersensitive, thin skinned, whacko who spend unnatural amounts of time desperately searching for something to be offended by? The answer would certainly seem so.

As a baby boomer I was taught the principle of majority rule which was so eloquently stated by Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame when he gaspingly uttered the following quote, "The good of the many outweighs the need of the few." Somewhere along the way though that premise seems to have been replaced by the old adage about the squeaky wheel gets the oil. In other words, when did the agenda of the vocal minority become the rule that the majority must abide by? Why is it necessary to change the very meaning of marriage which is one of the oldest human institutions in existence to accommodate a very minor faction of society? Why should we strike words from things such as the national anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, and even our money to appease the whims of extremists?

Exactly how is someone harmed, injured, or otherwise damaged by religious symbols in a public place during one of the most sacred holidays in human history? What is so offensive by references to God that it must be stricken from money that all of us use everyday? Does seeing the Ten Commandments cause some unknown malady to overtake the viewer simply by having it displayed in a public place? Does all of this seem absurd and bizarre to anyone other than me?

Statistics indicate that the overwhelming majority of people in this country believe in God. Overwhelming majorities consistently vote to uphold marriage as being defined as the union between one man and and one woman. If it is unquestionably the will of the majority that the institution of marriage be preserved as it was originally intended then why is it so important to the extremists that it be redefined? Why is traditional marriage so offensive to the extremist whackos and why are they so determined to destroy it?

What about things that offend me? If I am classified as being part of what is reported as being a majority of people with similar belief systems then why is it alright to blatantly offend me and the like minded who are in the group in the majority and expect us to bend over backwards to appease an extremist fringe group who are clearly a minority? I find the assault on marriage offensive, I find the assault on Christianity offensive, I find the destruction of preborn human beings offensive and yet there is no sign of ACLU intervention to preserve my rights, my beliefs, or my way of life. So if the issue is to be inoffensive and to be sensitive to fairness to others then how is offending the majority to appease the minority logical? I find political correctness offensive and believe that it is the single greatest threat to my belief system of all.

If the issue is fairness then how is it fair that I be made to accept things that I find offensive to accommodate someone else? Who exactly empowered the mainstream media or activist judges with the right to decide what is best for me and the majority of other like minded individuals? Obviously it is impossible to give a reasonable explanation about how redefining marriage will benefit society as a whole or how removing references to God from our money or anywhere else it appears will benefit the vast majority of people who believe in God, or mass murdering babies will enhance the quality of life in this country.

I find it offensive that our youth idolize athletes and entertainers for want of true leaders and heroes. I find it offensive the Christians are ridiculed, labeled as fanatics, discouraged from embracing their beliefs out of fear of offending those who believe differently or lack religious beliefs altogether. I find it offensive that homosexuals are so empowered as to dictate the very definition of marriage which has been between one man and one woman since the beginning of recorded history. I am offended by anyone and everyone with nothing better to do than champion whacko causes in the name of fairness and political correctness for the benefit of fringe minorities.

If the sight of a nativity scene offends someone then they should not look at it. If the words "In God We Trust" or any other reference to God offends someone then they should not read them. If Christianity is offensive to someone then they should ignore it. If someone is offended by American traditions, then they should not come here or should leave and go somewhere less offensive. There are far more serious issues that should be given our undivided attention and energy than building a culture of victims.

On the verge of a new year my wish is that we all just stop and think about the countless blessings that we receive, how fortunate we are to be living in the greatest county on earth, and how wonderful it is to still have an opportunity to demonstrate the principles, character, and morality that made us the greatest nation on earth. If the principles, beliefs, and rights that were guaranteed to us by the founders are not worth fighting for then we are already hopelessly lost. It is my greatest prayer that we can find a moral compass to guide us and quit being sidetracked by ridiculous and idiotic diversions which are unendingly flaunted in our face by whacko malcontents with nothing better to do than stir up maelstroms of emotional issues fueled by eager accomplices in the mainstream media for the benefit of elitist utopians. My fervent prayer is a revival of faith in an almighty God and return of principle and character in our leaders and elected representatives who will demonstrate the strength to stand up and say enough is enough.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What Now?

 In My Humble Opinion:

The democrats now have control of both houses of congress and we are faced with new leadership albeit from a group of people who are anything but new to politics. Will we then see renewed efforts to rebuild former little kingdoms as the deeply entrenched power brokers begin to exercise their newfound majority? Dare we forget that most of those in leadership positions hold very to extremely liberal viewpoints? Who were the real losers in this very telling midterm 2006 election?

Alright then, now what? What will the democrats do about Iraq? How will their decisions affect such issues as judicial activism? What kind of political atmosphere will values voters and christians find now that we have been rescued from the republicans? Are impeachment proceedings looming in the very near future? What will those pillars of centrist philosophies like Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and so on do for us now that they have complete mandates to govern?

It certainly came as no surprise that voter turnout was key to shifting power and that for reasons of protest, many badly needed republican voters simply opted to sit this one out. Now we must turn our attention to the next two years and what will be in store as the next 
round of elections comes our way in 2008. The dems have complete control and more control than even they dared to believe possible, so what will they do with it? What shining examples of their supreme wisdom and irrefutable leadership will we be privy too over the next two years? I for one will be amazed if we see little more than total gridlock and partisan bickering.