Thursday, March 09, 2006

God's Love

In My Humble Opinion

As a younger man thoughts of mortality were seldom considered. Strength, health, and life were pretty much taken for granted. Selfish pursuits were of primary concern and little else mattered. There was never any doubt as to God's existence or love but like everything else even that was taken for granted. As time has passed and youth has slipped away priorities have changed.

Thought provoking questions now weigh heavily and warrant serious thought and consideration. For example, if you were to die today, where would you spend eternity? Not too long ago that would not have been something that would have been pondered but now has utmost importance. Something rather profound comes to mind when consider the previous question and that is the fact that no matter how long you live, you will be dead a whole lot longer.

God loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son. Because of this insurmountable act of love we have been given an opportunity to have eternal life. All that is asked is that we accept Jesus into our hearts and trust that he died and rose from the grave for our sins. A simple matter of faith which can guarantee eternal life, what a deal.

We can not begin to comprehend how much God loves us. We see evidence of God's love all around and have only to look at a newborn child, smell a flower, pet a puppy, listen to a song, or smell your favorite food cooking. Examples of God's love abound and surround us at all times. Is it asking too much that we simply love God back a little? The wonderful story of God's love and gift of His son, Jesus to us is one which should be shared with every one on earth.

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. God's love is the greatest love of all and is free for the taking.

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