Friday, December 30, 2005

New Year

Now here is a holiday that just about any secular, progressive, humanist can love. Even the ACLU can take a break from filing lawsuits to remove any slight hint of Christianity from the public venue. So, with out worrying about offending any of those who are well, politically correct, Happy New Year!

2005 was quite eventful and interesting to say the least so here's hoping that 2006 is full of God's blessings for each and every one of you. It is my heartfelt desire that everyone reading this blog will have nothing short of a wonderful year full of blessings in every regard. My prayers are that God will watch over us all and keep us safe from natural disasters and anything harmful. Here on the Gulf Coast we have certainly had our share of natural disasters with hurricanes in 2005. One has only to look back at the horror and devastation of Katrina in New Orleans to understand that clearly. Let's pray and hope that God will keep us from facing such disasters in 2006.

My hope is that we as a nation will rediscover our Chrisitan roots and get back to our basics of prayer and worship. We can no longer cower to the abuses of those who would deny us our fundamental right to worship our Lord as we choose too. I pray for a massive revival of spirituality in America on a massive scale. After all, our country was founded by deeply religious men who left England to escape the tyrany of an established state religion.

Those of us in the silent majority of mainstream Christians have been forced to stand by and watch as fanatic, overly vocal minorities have attempted to force their agendas on us with the assistance of the liberal left who control the mainstream media. This has resulted in the Left feeling emboldened to attempt to remove any and all signs, symbols, and reference to religion from the public view. This was especially true during the Christmas season where many retailers caved to the threat of pressure from those on the left who threatened retaliation through their cronies in the ACLU and other fanatic attack dogs. Thankfully because of the outrage and efforts of such groups as AFA (American Family Association) and massive petition campaigns, Christians were able to make their voices heard and retailers have promised to return to referencing Christmas and not just generic greetings such as Happy Holidays, etc.

In my opinion now is the time to continue to put pressure on the Left and those of their ilk and keep the momentum going. Why should Christians be tolerant of those who are anything but tolerant and silently accept anything and everything that is attempted by the Left? Why should Christians allow secular humanists to dictate when, how, and where we can celebrate the birth of our Lord? I say we can no longer sit by silently and tolerate such insanity. Now is the time to stand up, be counted, and make our voices heard in a loud and clear manner from coast to coast. If secular humanists do not want to celebrate Christmas, don't want to hear Christmas carols, and are offended by Christmas then ignore it! Go start your own holiday and leave ours alone! If Christmas bothers you that much then leave, go to a Muslim country where you don't have to worry about celebrating Christmas.

Let us band together and make our voices heard in 2006. We simply can not tolerate any more of the radical agenda of the secular Left. And here is a little secret that they do not want you to know, you don't have to tolerate their agendas. If we in the silent majority will simply exercise our right of free speech we can make our voices heard. It is all a matter of taking action.

God bless you all and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Now hear is a holiday that just about any secular, progressive, humanist can love. Even the ACLU can take a break from filing lawsuits to remove any slight hint of Christianity from the public venue. So, with out worrying about offending any of those who are well, politically correct, Happy New Year!

2005 was quite eventful and interesting to say the least so here's hoping that 2006 is full of God's blessings for each and every one of you. It is my heartfelt desire that everyone reading this blog will have nothing short of a wonderful year full of blessings in every regard. My prayers are that God will watch over us all and keep us safe from natural disasters and anything harmful. Here on the Gulf Coast we have certainly had our share of natural disasters with hurricanes in 2005. One has only to look back at the horror and devastation of Katrina in New Orleans to understand that clearly. Let's pray and hope that God will keep us from facing such disasters in 2006.

My hope is that we as a nation will rediscover our Chrisitan roots and get back to our basics of prayer and worship. We can no longer cower to the abuses of those who would deny us our fundamental right to worship our Lord as we choose too. I pray for a massive revival of spirituality in America on a massive scale. After all, our country was founded by deeply religious men who left England to escape the tyrany of an established state religion.

Those of us in the silent majority of mainstream Christians have been forced to stand by and watch as fanatic, overly vocal minorities have attempted to force their agendas on us with the assistance of the liberal left who control the mainstream media. This has resulted in the Left feeling emboldened to attempt to remove any and all signs, symbols, and reference to religion from the public view. This was especially true during the Christmas season where many retailers caved to the threat of pressure from those on the left who threatened retaliation through their cronies in the ACLU and other fanatic attack dogs. Thankfully because of the outrage and efforts of such groups as AFA (American Family Association) and massive petition campaigns, Christians were able to make their voices heard and retailers have promised to return to referencing Christmas and not just generic greetings such as Happy Holidays, etc.

In my opinion now is the time to continue to put pressure on the Left and those of their ilk and keep the momentum going. Why should Christians be tolerant of those who are anything but tolerant and silently accept anything and everything that is attempted by the Left? Why should Christians allow secular humanists to dictate when, how, and where we can celebrate the birth of our Lord? I say we can no longer sit by silently and tolerate such insanity. Now is the time to stand up, be counted, and make our voices heard in a loud and clear manner from coast to coast. If secular humanists do not want to celebrate Christmas, don't want to hear Christmas carols, and are offended by Christmas then ignore it! Go start your own holiday and leave ours alone! If Christmas bothers you that much then leave, go to a Muslim country where you don't have to worry about celebrating Christmas.

Let us band together and make our voices heard in 2006. We simply can not tolerate any more of the radical agenda of the secular Left. And here is a little secret that they do not want you to know, you don't have to tolerate their agendas. If we in the silent majority will simply exercise our right of free speech we can make our voices heard. It is all a matter of taking action.

God bless you all and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Im My Humble Opinion:

Once again December 25th is rapidly approaching and anti-Christmas forces are busily set about the task of removing all traces of Jesus and religion from public sight. Anti-Christmas forces are busy in schools where children will take Winter breaks instead of traditional Christmas Holiday breaks, children are being taught about "Friendship Trees" instead of traditional Christmas Trees. Some government agencies and even private sector businesses are directing employees to use politically correct greetings like "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. One has to look ever harder to view Nativity scenes and displays although other faiths are readily displaying their symbols in the public arena.

Did I miss something or isn't Jesus Christ and the fact that He was born on December 25th the whole reason for Christmas to begin with? Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ and there is no other reason at all. Sure, who doesn't want to get presents, or have fabulous meals and wonderful deserts, and seeing family is always great at Christmas but these are simply perks of the season and not the reason for the season.

Frankly, I am horrified at the assault on Christmas and the attempts to wipe it from public view. How could this possibly be happening in a country where nearly 70 plus percent of Americans profess Christianity? If the extremely vocal, minority do not wish to celebrate Christmas, then don't celebrate it but do not tell me that I can not celebrate it or how to celebrate it. We hear so much about how we should be tolerant of other faiths and religions and yet we are met with the highest degree of intolerance from these very people for simply trying to observe what is easily the most important holiday of all to Christians.

Isn't it time that we stand up for ourselves and quit allowing these hypocritical, knee jerk, radicals to dictate how and when we can celebrate the birth of our Lord? The answer should be a resounding yes. The answer is to become knowledgeable about what is and what is not allowed by our constitution and standing up for those rights whereever they are being abused. There is strength in numbers so it is definitely time for like minded Christians to unite behind saving one of our most revered holidays. Take time to educate yourself about what you can do to help and find others who will join you in saving Christmas as we have known it all of our lives.

Have a Merry Christmas and May God Bless You and Yours!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Right Under Our Noses

In My Humble Opinion

Largely unnoticed, quietly spreading like an undiscovered cancer, all out assaults on just about everything that this great country was founded on are taking place. In many cases these assaults go right under the radar screen of public scrutiny and never make it to the mainstream media. Much of what is largely taken for granted is in serious jeopardy of becoming obsolete and disappearing forever unless something is done almost immediately.

What kind of assaults could I possibly be talking about that pose such a serious threat to things like freedom, liberty or even sovereignty you might ask? A prime example is a dangerous trend taking place in the highest court in the land which has been going on for some time now. The trend of viewing the Constitution as a "living, evolving" entity which is subject to change at the whim of the court has and continues to undermine the very freedoms and liberties that our Founding fathers intended when they wrote the document over two hundred years ago. Another is the trend of some justices looking to laws and precedents outside of the US for help in making decisions which affect all Americans.

But we are powerless to do anything to change these trends you might say, there is nothing that we can do. Not true, the solution is to demand that our elected representatives in Congress stand up and demand that courts return to a more constructionist approach and stop legislating from the bench. Federal courts can not be allowed to continue to thumb their noses at the will of the people and the legislaive branch of government. Apathy and complacency can no longer be tolerated and anyone who is concerned about the trends that are taking place right under our noses must begin by becoming educated about what is taking place, and then start contacting their elected representatives to take immediate action to curtail continued judicial activism. The Legislative branch of government possesses the power to stop judicial activism with the power of impeachment but lacks the will to exercise this measure.

Checks and balances as established in the Constitution of the United States have gone largely ignored for far too long and judicial activism has become an accepted abuse of power to accomplish the goals of extremists who are incapable of being able to get such legislature passed through Congress as it would continue to fail miserably as it goes against the will of the people. A prime example of this is the recent marriage amendment that was overwhelmingly passed by the California voters only to be overturned by the state legislature but later vetoed by governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. This blatant disregard for the people's voice is a dangerous trend that can not be ignored. We the people will cease to be heard if we continue to allow our voice to be silenced in such unconstituional abuses as that which was witnessed in California. We can no longer continue to bury our heads in the sand and pretend that abuses like this just don't affect us, they do! If we do not act and demand that the abuses stop then we could face the tyrannical oppression of unelected, unaccountable, extremist who seek to promote their radical agendas above the will and good of the citizens of this country.

Our country is in desperate need of fervent and unceasing prayer. We are in desperate need of strong, moral leadership and representation. The continued usurping of power can not be tolerated and must stop immediately. This nation must return to the principles and foundations that the Founders intended. Learn about what is taking place and take action to correct it. The risks are too great and the dangers are too dire not to do so. Take action now to preserve our way of life.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

When is the Left, Right?

In My Humble Opinion:

When is today's, American left correct or right about anything? Much like leftist ideologies akin to socialism and communism which have failed throughout history whenever and whereever they have been tried, the ideas of the left have been proven wrong. Considering the historical and current failings of leftist ideas and philosophies, when is the left ever right about anything?

Is the Welfare state of today the resounding success that the left would like to tout for all to see? How about the generations of children educated in the public school system who are not only devoid of a moral compass but incapable in many cases of reading the diplomas that are given to them simply to get them out of the system? Perhaps it is the murder of innocents in the womb that the left is most proud of with abortion on demand being the rule of the land? How about one of the latest pet projects, the destruction of Christianity and any reference to faith?

Most puzzling is how the left is still able to wield such power and mandate the degree and level of control that is demonstrated even now. How can such a minority with extremist and radical ideologies continue to impact the rules under which the majority are forced to live? More accurately, why is the majority made to live under the rule of the whacky minority and where did the minority get such power?

If a secular society and out of touch and out of control government along with an activist judiciary are taking this country on a path that is diametrically opposed to the intent of the founding fathers, and the majority is made to suffer to accomodate an extremist, fringe minority which is exactly what is happening today, then there are dire problems that must be addressed immediately. Can this country really risk living in a Utopian society as decided by the fringe left, if the left is allowed to continue engineering the society that is determined to be best for the rest of us? The thought chills to the heart and sends cold shudders up the spine. At the very least, these and many other questions deserve some serious thought.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Big Power Grab

In My Humble Opinion :

The Big Power Grab

The big power grab could be defined as the usurping of power away from the Legislative branch of the United States government by a group of elitist, activist judges. The power grab is nothing new and has been taking place for many years. The affects of the big power grab however resonate throughout society and impact the lives of nearly all Americans. The big power grab, very much like a runaway freight train, appears to be increasing in speed and will have an ever increasing affect on society upon impact.

Understanding that there are three separate branches of the United States government illustrates why a power grab by any of the three, should never be tolerated and is in fact an unconstitutional act. The intent for the judicial branch of government was and is to simply interpret the laws written by the legislative branch. There was never any intent for the judicial branch to legislate or dictate law from the bench as is so blatantly illustrated by courts such as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California.

The big power grab has been taking place for many years but seems to have become more prevalent and pervasive as society has tolerated and allowed the practice to become accepted. Not to be specific with regard to exactly when the practice of the big power grab began but suffice it to say that it has been taking place for several decades now.

The affects of the big power grab are evident throughout society. Some of the more notable examples would be the removal of prayer from the public school system in the early nineteen sixties, the Roe V. Wade decision in the early nineteen seventies making abortion legal, and the more recent Kelo decision with regard to seizure of publicly owned property.

Like the example of the runaway freight train or even the incredible destruction of hurricane Katrina, the big power grab will have the power to impact nearly if not every single American. Removing prayer and any reference to religion or the Bible took away the ability to impart a moral foundation to students, the Roe V. Wade decision legalized the murder of unborn innocents, and the Kelo decision will authorize the seizure of privately owned property to be turned over for public use. These are but a few of the many examples of what an out of control judiciary can impose on the population of this country. Is there an end in sight? Not likely at this point.

Continuing down the path of tolerance towards an out of control judiciary will simply embolden and allow even more radical changes to be forced on society. One clear example is the onslaught against the institution of marriage between one man and one woman. If the destruction of marriage which has held for centuries as being between one man and one woman as defined by the Word of God, then marriage could be defined by nearly anything and everything and will be determined by the whim of the court. The most frightening aspects of such activism could result in marriages between adults and children, or multiple persons, or even humans and animals with no end to the possibilities.

Solutions must be found and found quickly to halt the big power grab immediately. The tyranny of judicial activism can not be tolerated by a free society. Fallacious arguments such as the Constitution of the United States is a living, evolving document subject to interpretation by the standards of today can not be allowed to take hold and must be dismissed as ridiculous and baseless. The idea of the evolution of a living Constitution will lead to the ultimate destruction of the very liberties for which the Constitution was originally written to insure to each citizen. Without the liberties as defined, outlined, and expressly given to each citizen of this country, America will cease to be a nation for the people, and of the people and will become a nation in which freedom will no longer remain.

More to come ….

Thursday, September 08, 2005


In My Humble Opinion -

As a Baby Boomer I recall the days when our school day began with not only prayer but also the Pledge Of Allegiance to the flag. My classroom had the Ten Commandments on display and I spent a great deal of time reading and digesting the content which also prompted me to question my parents about what the Commandments meant. Those of different beliefs were told that they could observe moments of silent meditation and were in no way forced to participate in anything that they were not comfortable with. My point is simply this, activities such as described above influenced me and helped to form the basis upon which my personality and character were built.

Equally as important to starting our school day off with prayer and our exercise in basic patriotism, we were taught both sides of the issue which is now being referred to as "intelligent design" or creation versus evolution. Being given both sides of the issue allowed us to make intelligent choices for ourselves based on our belief system, not being indoctrinated to believe one way or another.

Faith is also an issue of personal choice. Removing the ability for our children to pray at school and having false ideas and erroneous theories rammed down the throats of our children who unless properly prepared at home have no way of differentiating between what is fact and fallacy has produced a generation of people with extremely flawed belief systems. Devoid of faith to guilde their behaviors, what are they left with, anarchy? Is it any wonder that we are witness to acts of immorality such as looting, killing, raping, and all of the other horrors we have witnessed during the tragedy of hurricane Katrina?

Without a solid moral foundation to build on, what is it which will fill the void as our children grow and mature? Whose agenda will they be indoctrinated with in the public school systems or will they be left to fend for themselves and form their character or lack thereof based on what they are force fed in the mainstream media or in their personal peer groups? As our country becomes an even larger cultural melting pot and droves of diverse cultures continue to flood our society, whose religious view points or lack thereof will be impacting our children's impressionable minds?

As a child I grew up in a home with little to no religious guidance other than that which I experienced in school. I am thankful for teachers who were not afraid to share their beliefs in the Bible which only helped to spark my curiosity to learn more. If we are not taught to develop faith in the Lord and the Word of God, then what is the alternative? Without a Christian foundation to build upon as our belief system develops which will determine our personality and character, what will we build upon?

We are witness to what seems to be an all out assault on anything to do with faith and Christianity all the while we see every accomodation being made for those of differing view points such as Islam, Buddhism, and even Paganism. A concerted effort is mounted every December to remove any and all refernces to Christianity in the public venue and is now even overflowing into the public school system in many areas in ridiculous examples of knee jerk extremism and the fear of offending some incredibly small segment or faction who may not share in Christian beliefs and view points. So, the norm is now to punish the majority to accomodate the nearly non existent minority. This is clearly demonstrated in the assault on our second ammendment right to own and bear firearms. With upwards of 10,000 plus statutes, laws, and policies on the books regarding firearms we are still entreated to the hysterical rantings of the anti gun lobby at any and every opportunity. Ok, here is a novel thought, how about we punish the criminals who misuse firearms and not punish the vast majority of law abiding gun owners in this country? Wow, what an epiphany, punish the criminals and not everyone else! Ok, take that a step further, those who are not Christian are not going to be forced in any way to believe differently so why should the majority of us be force to accept ideas, view points and theologies that we do not agree with only to satisfy the extremists, elitists, and fanatics who are only concerned with promoting their personal agendas and sense of what is fair and equitable for everyone.

Here is an amazing little known factoid, this country was established to begin with to escape religious and fanatic intolerance. Yep, our forefathers came here so that they were not made to believe what the Church Of England demanded that everyone believe. The signers of the Constitution and Declaration Of Independence were deeply religious men who recognized the absolute need to be guided by beliefs in our creator, Christian precepts, and the wisdom contained in the Bible. Unfortunately, all of those who do not want to be held to any type of moral absolutes as defined in the Bible are obviously going to espouse all of the social morays, attitudes, and opinions of the lunatic fringe on the far left. To see the fruits of what nearly 40 years plus of social experimentation, building a welare entitlement faction, and all other liberal utopian theories which have been implemented we only have to turn on the evening news, pick up a newspaper or magazine, or visit a college campus.

Here is a newsflash, regardless of age, income, or social status it is never to late to pick up God's Word and discover on your own the answers to any questions you might have so that you can choose for yourself. If you have questions about your salvation there are no lack of good, Christian, neighbors who will be more than happy to help you find answers to any questions that you might have. Yes, you can develop, strengthen, or even find your lost faith at any stage of life. The answers to any question that one can ever have can be answered by simply reading and learning about what Jesus Christ did for all of us and recorded in the Bible more than two thousand years ago. If nothing else, develop a faith in something, hopefully not a faith in the world, or man, but a faith in something greater than our ability to comprehend with our human capacity. Often times it is as easy and bending one's knees and simply talking to the Creator of all to find that you are always welcome in the open arms of the Lord.

God Bless You.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Facts - The Left's worst Nightmare


The facts will come out-

Uh oh, what is going to happen when the facts actually come out and we see exactly what happened in the 72 hours prior to Katrina striking the New Orleans area and Gulf Coast?

We have certainly witnessed no lack of blame being focused at the federal government and failings of the current administration and even the president himself. How can that be? Isn't it the responsibility of the state and local government to address issues of evactuation and crisis management when facing a disaster of the magnitude of hurricane Katrina? What exactly did the mayor of New Orleans do in the 3 day period prior to Katrina's strike to address the problems that he is so eager to blame George Bush for failing to address? How about the governor, Kathleen Blanco? What is her responsibility in crisis situations of this magnitude?

George Bush is a wonderful example of leadership but I seriously doubt that even his super powers could have prevented, altered the course of Katrina, or stopped the levee break in a single bound. Seriously, how much of the garbage that is being blamed on him really even his responsibility to begin with? What about the evacuation plan that New Orleans had, how was it implemented and by whom? What about the phone calls that George Bush made to the governor and mayor prior to Katrina's strike imploring them to take immediate action, were they heeded?

After the rhetoric cools down and emotions subside and level heads begin to prevail devoid of posturing, finger pointing, and racial swipes, I believe we will continue to witness more of what makes us proud with regard to disaster response. As we are already witnessing, the fine people in this country and abroad are opening their wallets, their hearts, and even their homes to those who have become displaced, homeless, refugees. Instead of being white or black citizens, let us first be Americans, neighbors, and friends.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Solutions vs. Criticism

As I am sure you have all noticed by now, we are entreated to a non ending flood of criticism regarding the handling of the Katrina crisis along the US Gulf Coast. Ok, that seems fair enough but my question to all those who are parading in front of the tv cameras to condemn and malign our President and governmental agencies which are responding to the crisis is simply this, what would you have done or do that would be any different than what we are seeing now? It is incredibly easy to play armchair quarterback and espouse the wisdom of the sages to all who will listen when in fact most of the critics are as in the dark as the rest of us as to what should have, could have, been done and when.

Instead of criticism and disharmony would it not make a great deal more sense to unite and pull together to solve the crisis and continuing problems related to the devastation left in Katrina's wake? Instead of venom and vitriole, would it not be more productive for our pundits and politicians to exert their energy towards words of encouragement and unity? Instead of taking every opportunity to malign and condemn the actions that have been taken so far?

In my humble opinion, offering solutions to the problems instead of contributing to the problem by creating more ill will and disunity would simply be much more productive.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Time For Prayer

While watching the hurricane Katrina aftermath stories on the weather channel and national news stations I am reminded of how important it is during times of tremendous devastation and disastor to simply stop and pray for all of those who were affected and impacted by the unpredictable fury of storms the magnitude of hurricane Katrina. As those of us who recieved minimal to no affects whatsoever reflect on how we might be of assitance to the thousands upon thousands of those who are in dire crisis due to the damage caused by Katrina first and foremost should be giving thanks to the Lord for all of those who escaped death with their lives. As we begin the slow and painful process of search and rescue, feeding and housing, and even relocating survivors of Katrina there will be ample opportunity to provide aid in the form of financial donations to organizations such as the Red Cross and others actively involved in providing aid to hurricane victims. We should not overlook the need to donate blood which will be equally as important as many blood donation centers in the affected areas are not able to operate due to loss of power, flooding, and other aftermath related complications. While we should certainly strive to meet the tremendous physical needs of the survivors we can not overlook the equally important spiritual needs by praying for all of those in the impacted areas all along the Gulf Coast of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The power of prayer can never be underestimated and should be encouraged by anyone and everyone who is able to do so. Pray fervently, frequently, and immediately for all of those who were blessed enough to have survived the horror and life altering trauma of Katrina.

God Bless,

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Gas Prices

Ok, I am reading headlines like a penny a day and 40% over this time last year all relating to the ever increasing price of a gallon of precious gasoline. Talk about sticker shock, with the price edging ever closer to the $3 per gallon price I, for one am experiencing budget shock on a grand scale. Now instead of thoughtlessly jumping in the car to pop down to the local video store or to drive down to the local hang out to see which friends are out and about I find myself taking pause and planning every outing much more carefully taking into consideration the distance, time involved, and approximating the gasoline usage. So exactly who is getting fat, dumb, and happy with all the excess profits while those of us in fly over country are fearing the next installment of price hikes which are invariably going to come down the pike and be reflected at the pumps? Who is the villain in this inflated, burdeoning, bloated scheme to bankrupt the little guy at the gas pumps? We are treated to all manner of theory and thesis ranging from supply and demand to increasing price in production and even foreign suppliers intentionally driving up prices to punish the evil infidels in the West. So maybe it isn't some insidious plot designed to disrupt the economy of those of us in the US, so what exactly is the problem here and why are we seeing nearly $3 per gallon gas prices at the pumps and where is it going to end? Frankly, it is scaring me to death and my concern is not just from a financial standpoint. What exactly is going to save us from the dependence on fossil fuels and provide us with a nice, clean, alternative? Talk about being time for a white knight to ride in and save us, the time is definitely now.

Offending those who ...

You know, in my humble opinion, it is just about impossible to not offend someone in today's politically correct society. No matter what you do or how hard you try, it seems that someone is going to take offense to just about anything and literally everything that those who differ from them do. For example, gays are going to be offended by non gays simply because they are not gay. Non Christians are going to be offended by anything having to do with religion or Christianity simply because of their beliefs. Proof of this ridiculous intolerance is evident everywhere and permeates all areas of our society today. Religious symbols can not be displayed in certain places, public schools are working overtime to change the name of seasons to reflect intolerance such as changing Christmas break to Winter break, and even some businesses are forcing emplyees to stop wishing Merry Christmas by changing to happy holidays or other less offensive greetings. For crying out loud, where does it stop? When is it going to end?