Thursday, December 28, 2006


In My Humble Opinion

Can there be anything, anything at all that is truly safe from being labeled as offensive to somebody? Everything from words, songs, symbols, and of course ideologies. Have we entered into some kind of nightmarish parallel time warp of hypersensitive, thin skinned, whacko who spend unnatural amounts of time desperately searching for something to be offended by? The answer would certainly seem so.

As a baby boomer I was taught the principle of majority rule which was so eloquently stated by Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame when he gaspingly uttered the following quote, "The good of the many outweighs the need of the few." Somewhere along the way though that premise seems to have been replaced by the old adage about the squeaky wheel gets the oil. In other words, when did the agenda of the vocal minority become the rule that the majority must abide by? Why is it necessary to change the very meaning of marriage which is one of the oldest human institutions in existence to accommodate a very minor faction of society? Why should we strike words from things such as the national anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, and even our money to appease the whims of extremists?

Exactly how is someone harmed, injured, or otherwise damaged by religious symbols in a public place during one of the most sacred holidays in human history? What is so offensive by references to God that it must be stricken from money that all of us use everyday? Does seeing the Ten Commandments cause some unknown malady to overtake the viewer simply by having it displayed in a public place? Does all of this seem absurd and bizarre to anyone other than me?

Statistics indicate that the overwhelming majority of people in this country believe in God. Overwhelming majorities consistently vote to uphold marriage as being defined as the union between one man and and one woman. If it is unquestionably the will of the majority that the institution of marriage be preserved as it was originally intended then why is it so important to the extremists that it be redefined? Why is traditional marriage so offensive to the extremist whackos and why are they so determined to destroy it?

What about things that offend me? If I am classified as being part of what is reported as being a majority of people with similar belief systems then why is it alright to blatantly offend me and the like minded who are in the group in the majority and expect us to bend over backwards to appease an extremist fringe group who are clearly a minority? I find the assault on marriage offensive, I find the assault on Christianity offensive, I find the destruction of preborn human beings offensive and yet there is no sign of ACLU intervention to preserve my rights, my beliefs, or my way of life. So if the issue is to be inoffensive and to be sensitive to fairness to others then how is offending the majority to appease the minority logical? I find political correctness offensive and believe that it is the single greatest threat to my belief system of all.

If the issue is fairness then how is it fair that I be made to accept things that I find offensive to accommodate someone else? Who exactly empowered the mainstream media or activist judges with the right to decide what is best for me and the majority of other like minded individuals? Obviously it is impossible to give a reasonable explanation about how redefining marriage will benefit society as a whole or how removing references to God from our money or anywhere else it appears will benefit the vast majority of people who believe in God, or mass murdering babies will enhance the quality of life in this country.

I find it offensive that our youth idolize athletes and entertainers for want of true leaders and heroes. I find it offensive the Christians are ridiculed, labeled as fanatics, discouraged from embracing their beliefs out of fear of offending those who believe differently or lack religious beliefs altogether. I find it offensive that homosexuals are so empowered as to dictate the very definition of marriage which has been between one man and one woman since the beginning of recorded history. I am offended by anyone and everyone with nothing better to do than champion whacko causes in the name of fairness and political correctness for the benefit of fringe minorities.

If the sight of a nativity scene offends someone then they should not look at it. If the words "In God We Trust" or any other reference to God offends someone then they should not read them. If Christianity is offensive to someone then they should ignore it. If someone is offended by American traditions, then they should not come here or should leave and go somewhere less offensive. There are far more serious issues that should be given our undivided attention and energy than building a culture of victims.

On the verge of a new year my wish is that we all just stop and think about the countless blessings that we receive, how fortunate we are to be living in the greatest county on earth, and how wonderful it is to still have an opportunity to demonstrate the principles, character, and morality that made us the greatest nation on earth. If the principles, beliefs, and rights that were guaranteed to us by the founders are not worth fighting for then we are already hopelessly lost. It is my greatest prayer that we can find a moral compass to guide us and quit being sidetracked by ridiculous and idiotic diversions which are unendingly flaunted in our face by whacko malcontents with nothing better to do than stir up maelstroms of emotional issues fueled by eager accomplices in the mainstream media for the benefit of elitist utopians. My fervent prayer is a revival of faith in an almighty God and return of principle and character in our leaders and elected representatives who will demonstrate the strength to stand up and say enough is enough.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What Now?

 In My Humble Opinion:

The democrats now have control of both houses of congress and we are faced with new leadership albeit from a group of people who are anything but new to politics. Will we then see renewed efforts to rebuild former little kingdoms as the deeply entrenched power brokers begin to exercise their newfound majority? Dare we forget that most of those in leadership positions hold very to extremely liberal viewpoints? Who were the real losers in this very telling midterm 2006 election?

Alright then, now what? What will the democrats do about Iraq? How will their decisions affect such issues as judicial activism? What kind of political atmosphere will values voters and christians find now that we have been rescued from the republicans? Are impeachment proceedings looming in the very near future? What will those pillars of centrist philosophies like Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and so on do for us now that they have complete mandates to govern?

It certainly came as no surprise that voter turnout was key to shifting power and that for reasons of protest, many badly needed republican voters simply opted to sit this one out. Now we must turn our attention to the next two years and what will be in store as the next 
round of elections comes our way in 2008. The dems have complete control and more control than even they dared to believe possible, so what will they do with it? What shining examples of their supreme wisdom and irrefutable leadership will we be privy too over the next two years? I for one will be amazed if we see little more than total gridlock and partisan bickering.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Power Shift

In my humble opinion:

The protest vote was duly noted by the many republican incumbents who were voted out of office en masse. Dissatisfaction with the war effort in Iraq seemed to resonate at one of the primary topics amongst those participating in the 2006 midterm election process. Turnout was another key factor which certainly seemed to favor the democrats with regard to turnout.

Unfortunately voter apathy and dissatisfaction with current political trends played heavily in mandating a power shift in what may prove to be both houses of congress. Two senate seats still have to be decided before the issue of who controls the senate will be clearly known. Control of the senate may remain unclear until as late as sometime in December.

What will this massive transference of power actually mean with regard to the direction that will be taken by the newly elected majority? We need to remember that the leadership is still primarily made up of "insiders" who have been part of the political landscape for many years. Hopefully we will see a great deal of gridlock with little in the way of policy actually being passed and ratified.

With regard to those of us who are Christian and have deeply held beliefs and a biblical worldview as opposed to a secular worldview, we should take the results of the current election as a wake up call to energize our base and become actively involved in the direction that our elected representatives choose. There is no room for complacency or apathy and we must be involved in every possible way in insuring that our interests are well represented.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What is American?

In My Humble Opinion

What is an American? To answer that we should probably think about what it used to mean and what it could mean. The short answer in a word could be described as pride. Unfortunately the definition of pride has been turned into something murky, and elusive when applied on a national scale. Hearing the Star Spangled Banner being played and watching the Stars and Stripes being raised used to invoke a lump in the throat, a tear in the eye, and a deep abiding sense of patriotism and pride. Can the same be said of today's sentiments? In a word, no. The days of people rallying around such calls as "For God and Country!" seem to be gone forever.

Being born in the greatest country on earth alone used to be enough to stir men's hearts to achieve greatness. How many have fought and died to defend the freedoms enjoyed by being an America? Our national heroes used to be people like John Wayne, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and countless others who exemplified character and honor. Now, sadly, sports figures, musicians, and even politicians who have embarrassed the highest office in the land are looked upon with adoration.

Those who came to America in days gone past did so with a desire and an eagerness to contribute and to work hard to gain citizenship. Most spent years learning to speak English and to adopt the laws and customs of being American citizens. Illegal immigrants were rounded up and sent back to their home countries without question. Now, we see as many as 12 million illegals marching in the streets demonstrating and demanding the same rights and benefits as naturalized citizens in open defiance.

What will being American mean tomorrow? Will it mean whoever, whatever, and whenever someone wants to be an American all they will have to do is cross the border and start demanding citizenship? Will our national anthem survive? Will our monetary system survive if it bears any reference to God on it? Will marriage survive? Will our freedoms, liberties, and rights survive? Will our faith survive? Not too long ago questions such as these would have seemed ridiculous but now must be considered with deadly seriousness. Perhaps we would all do well to review the Constitution Of The United States and the Bill Of Rights so we can easily review what we are at risk of losing if things do not change quickly.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Keeping Christ In The Closet

In My Humble Opinion

Is Christianity under attack in the US? In short, absolutely yes! If you listen to the pundits in the mainstream media, there is no organized assault on Christianity. Hmm, we must first remember that over 87% of journalist today identify themselves as liberal and many tend to identify as being more secular. So much for an unbiased attitude or viewpoint.

If Christianity is not under attack then what in the world did we just see happen during Christmas? I seem to remember seeing and hearing about everything from school systems banning Christmas Carols and calling trees "Friendship Trees" to merchants banning employees from even wishing someone Merry Christmas in lieu of the more generic greeting, Happy Holidays. Lawsuits galore filled the courtrooms with regard to public displays of anything resembling Christian while crescents and menorrahs were prominently displayed. And now, Easter is being attacked. How is that not attacking Christianity? I don't see Valentines day, or Arbor day, or Martin Luther King day being attacked, why is it only those that are associated with Christianity that are under attack?

Phrases such as "One Nation Under God" and "In God We Trust" are being assaulted. The Pledge Of Allegiance is being threatened. We have seen uproar over public displays of the ten Commandments resonate throughout this country in the court systems and media. Christians are never referred to as just Christians but are labeled as fanatic, right wing extremists, religious zealots whenever referenced in the media. Symbols such as the cross are being banned and removed from public view as evidenced by certain California cities battling with political correctness over County Crests which have small crosses on them.

Do you think it is going to stop at simply removing references from public view? Do you really think that the secular humanist will be satisfied with the success that has been realized thus far? Not if we leave it up to the secular humanists, history revistionists, and politically correct movements in this country. These groups will not stop with just removing Christianity from public view but would rather see Christians back in the catacombs. So did homosexuality come out of the closet only to put Christ into the closet?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Melting pot meltdown

In My Humble Opinion

As immigration policy and demonstrations take center stage in current events many thoughts occur. Immigrants have always played a role in this country as evidenced throughout our history as a nation. Today though the issue is legal immigration or how to deal with the issue of illegal immigration. At present statistics indicate a population of over 12 million illegal immigrants living and working in the US.

So what is wrong with those who abide by the rules, laws, and policies of the US? The answer is absolutely nothing. Those who follow the rules and immigrate to the US legally, work and pay taxes, and generally assimilate into our society are welcome additions. On the reverse side of the coin however we have those who enter illegally, do not work or pay taxes, and demand special privileges and rights.

If the many illegals who are currently residing in the US refuse the basic premise of entering the country legally, then why should we think that they will abide by any other laws of our land or society? In fact, how often are crime rates higher in communities with high percentages of illegals? Often times we hear stories of overcrowding and Multiple families residing in small dwellings designed for far fewer occupants. These situations create many problems not excluding unsanitary, or unhealthy situations.

We are constantly told that our social system is over burdened and can not support the many who are waiting to take advantage of the social services. In many cases, illegals enter the system in large numbers and begin receiving benefits without even being US citizens. There are even attempts to give illegals drivers licenses and voting rights.

If we can not or will not enforce some of the most basic laws and tenets of this nation, then what is the point in having them to begin with? It certainly appears that our melting pot is in serious meltdown and getting worse with each passing day.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

God's Love

In My Humble Opinion

As a younger man thoughts of mortality were seldom considered. Strength, health, and life were pretty much taken for granted. Selfish pursuits were of primary concern and little else mattered. There was never any doubt as to God's existence or love but like everything else even that was taken for granted. As time has passed and youth has slipped away priorities have changed.

Thought provoking questions now weigh heavily and warrant serious thought and consideration. For example, if you were to die today, where would you spend eternity? Not too long ago that would not have been something that would have been pondered but now has utmost importance. Something rather profound comes to mind when consider the previous question and that is the fact that no matter how long you live, you will be dead a whole lot longer.

God loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son. Because of this insurmountable act of love we have been given an opportunity to have eternal life. All that is asked is that we accept Jesus into our hearts and trust that he died and rose from the grave for our sins. A simple matter of faith which can guarantee eternal life, what a deal.

We can not begin to comprehend how much God loves us. We see evidence of God's love all around and have only to look at a newborn child, smell a flower, pet a puppy, listen to a song, or smell your favorite food cooking. Examples of God's love abound and surround us at all times. Is it asking too much that we simply love God back a little? The wonderful story of God's love and gift of His son, Jesus to us is one which should be shared with every one on earth.

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. God's love is the greatest love of all and is free for the taking.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Arab Allies

In My Humble Opinion

Forgive my skepticism but there are just too many unanswered questions with regard to having the UAE in control of some of the key US ports. While there is no doubt that there are many Arabs who absolutely love US money, I truly wonder how far the affection really goes beyond US dollars filling Arab coffers? Ok, so economically speaking, the UAE is our ally, at least for now. If forced to choose between other Arab nations or the US, what would the outcome be? Other than money, what ties do we really have with any Arab nation?

From a cultural standpoint, most Arab nations being predominantly Muslim have little affection for any Western country and in fact consider the US to be the "Great Satan". Learning that 40% of British Muslims would prefer a Sharia based system of law which is one based on the Koran is certainly anything but comforting. Do Muslims immigrate to area in Europe to meld into the culture, society, and lifestyles of their adoptive homes? Judging from recent rioting in Paris lasting several weeks the answer would be a resounding, NO! The fires of fanaticism are eagerly fanned by Mullahs who are more than happy to exploit any situation they can to create emotional whirlpools capable of enveloping large groups of impressionable Muslims, especially those living in depressed conditions. Lest we forget, as per the definition as detailed in the Koran, anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel. Infidels can convert to Islam, be subjugated to a lower class status paying taxes to their Muslim lords, or simply be killed. There are no other options.

While the management team of the UAE who would in fact oversee the daily operation of US ports under their control may in fact profess allegiance to the US, where does that loyalty end? One analogy of having the UAE in control of US ports is like being a bridge between the Arab world and the US. The question then becomes, what would pass over the bridge between the two worlds? Wouldn't this create a definite possibility for terrorist infiltration of the major US cities where these ports or located? Could this bridge be a conduit for terrorist activity and the creation of terrorist cells inside the US? How would we determine who is or is not going to engage in terroism or terroist activity? It is not like they are going to boldly profess their intentions upon entering our ports.

From a security standpoint this could be an absolute nightmare scenario. We have only to look to our US/Mexico borders or our US/Canada borders to see the blatant failures with regard to security. How successful has the US been in combating or even dealing with the flow of illegals entering the US from either border? My intention is not to denigrate or berate our wonderful men and women who are vigilant and diligent in their efforts and do their very best on a daily basis to stop as much as they can. Officers of the US Border Patrol are simply overwhelmed and understaffed, and undersupplied to contend with the flow of illegals every single day. This is not simply a few hungry immigrants in search of opportunity but is sometimes very organized, well supported, and even high tech operations. Terrorists are not stupid either and are quite aware or the problems with controlling our borders.

The mainstream media has done a wonderful job illustrating our vulnerabilities and weaknesses and our enemies have paid close attention. When forces were landing in Iraq, the mainstream media was there reporting, as it happened with great enthusiasm. The mainstream media, cameras rolling, are typically not far from any tragedy resulting from a breakdown in US security which has been exploited by our enemies. It is not hard to see that the coverage and time given to covering the war in Iraq has been anything but favorable to the US in any way. Do we see schools being opened, electricity operations, or water being restored to areas suffering nearly unbearable conditions? No, obviously we see only that which can be spun to present the worst and most negative portrayal all for purposes of damaging the current administration for political purposes. The same is true with the uncontrollable influx of illegals into our country every day.

What affect will any of this have on our nation? That answer to this question is quite simply, 9/11 revisited. Just because there have been no further incidents or attacks on US soil for awhile does not mean that it is over and we can all sleep safely in our beds with delusions of safety because we are more alert now. Yes, many positive and necessary changes have taken place since the attacks but are we safe now? Are we safe enough to turn over the management of some of our key ports to anyone who could possibly either knowingly or unknowingly act as a conduit for terroists? These are just some of the issues which should be given serious consideration. How safe would we be when the enemy is in our front yards?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Port Management

In My Humble Opinion

Ok, this is really a bad episode of the Twilight Zone and we are going to wake up soon, right? Giving control of 6 of our stategic Ports to an organization which has questionable loyalty at best is well, sort of like putting the Taliban in charge or our Homeland security isn't it? Good grief, what are they thinking here trying to pull something like this?

Am I mistaken or are we not seeing riots including building destruction and even attacks on US Embassies in multiple Arab countries right now? The Muslim community considers us the "Great Satan" and now 40% of British Muslims want to enact Sharia law. Sharia law is that which is based on the Koran which means beating women is just fine as is stoning, and other well, harsh practices. The UAE (United Arab Emirits) seem to be friendly towards us right now so it should be just fine, right?

Why stop there, let's just go ahead and turn over our sovereignty to the UN while we are at it? Let me see if I have this straight, half of our Supreme Court Justices are looking to foreign law to help base their decisions affecting us on, activist judges are writing law from the bench, and now we want to turn over control of six major US ports to a group which even recognizes the Taliban, our enemy? What's wrong with this picture.

Folks, we are in serious trouble here and now is not the time to be silent, lazy, or timid. Now would be the time to participate in the process and become educated on the issues which will certainly affect all of us. Should we sit idly by and allow such radical agendas to become acceptable?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Muslim Riots

In My Humble Opinion:

First we saw riots in the suburbs of Paris where disenfranchised Muslim youth set fires to cars and battled the police. For two weeks the youth went on a rampage of destruction and arson which threstened so spread. Now, because of a cartoon we have witnessed rioting spanning several countries in Europe with no end in sight. Outrage over cartoons portraying the prophet Mohammed in a somewhat negative manner? If Christians reacted to just a fraction of intolerance that we are met with on an increasing basis from the secular humanists in the US, can you imagine what would be happening?

Muslim apologists tell us that Islam is an enlightened religion with essentially the same goals as Christianity. Really? Somehow I find that very difficult to believe and expert studies of the Koran do not bear that theory to be true. From the very beginning of Islam it has been spread by force and by sword. But let's forget about the fact that non Muslims or infidels are given three wonderful options consisting of converting to Islam, being killed, or being subjugated to nearly slave status paying taxes to your Muslim lords. Yep, that's it, that is the only option and if Muslims have their choice, their preference is option number two or killing all infidels.

Ok, so Muslim apologists tell us that despite a nearly unceasing onslaught of terrorist attacks spanning the globe in non Muslim areas, that the terrorists are a small faction of the Muslim population and that the terrorists are a minority in the Muslim world. Really? Where is the evidence of all of these so called moderates then? Why aren't the Muslim moderates standing up in force to counter the negative image of Muslims being created by the daily bombings, burning, and beheading of all of these loving and tolerant Muslims? I seem to have missed all reference to beheading non believers, burning everything in sight, and suicide bombings when I read the Bible.

Islam is reported as one of the fastest growing religions in the world. Muslims have flooded into Europe, Asia, and even the US for decades now. Despite being naturalized citizens of their adoptive and respective countries Muslims still seem very willing if not eager to participate in fanatic activities such as rioting, burning, and bombing with very little prompting. How can that be? If they are born and raised right along side the other citizens and given the same opportunities of everyone else then what could possibly compel them to behave that way? Yes I know that there are no lack of scholarly explanations with regard to socio economic impetus which affect the overall mindset and blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is this, these people, under the banner of Islam are ready, willing, and eager to burn, bomb, and kill with as little provocation as some cartoons.

Folks, the warning bells and whistles should be blaring at this point. Now we have a militant Muslim leading a major Arab country and thumbing their nose at the UN over restarting their nuclear program? Oh my, does anyone believe for a second that the collective we is going to stand by and let Iran reach nuclear bomb capability? I really don't think so and the question then becomes, what will the repercussions be to strikes at Iran? Do the crusades come to mind?

But then, don't take my word for it. If you are in doubt, pick up a copy of the Koran and you can spend all the time you want reading about the love and peaceful teachings of the prophet Mohammed as given him by Allah. And you can even be rewarded with 70 virgins in paradise and untold riches just for strapping on a bomb belt and blowing up as many infidels as possible. Hmmm, somehow I seem to be missing all of the love and tolerance as taught by the Koran here. But then again, this is just my humble opinion.

Muslim Riots

In My Humble Opinion:

First we saw riots in the suburbs of Paris where disenfranchised Muslim youth set fires to cars and battled the police. For two weeks the youth went on a rampage of destruction and arson which threstened so spread. Now, because of a cartoon we have witnessed rioting spanning several countries in Europe with no end in sight. Outrage over cartoons portraying the prophet Mohammed in a somewhat negative manner? If Christians reacted to just a fraction of intolerance that we are met with on an increasing basis from the secular humanists in the US, can you imagine what would be happening?

Muslim apologists tell us that Islam is an enlightened religion with essesntially the same goals as Christianity. Really? Somehow I find that very difficult to believe and expert studies of the Koran do not bear that theory to be true. From the very beginning of Islam it has been spread by force and by sword. But let's forget about the fact that non muslims or infidels are given three wonderful options consisting of converting to Islam, being killed, or being subjugated to nearly slave status paying taxes to your Muslim lords. Yep, that's it, that is the only option and if Muslims have their choice, their preference is option number two or killing all infidels.

Ok, so muslim apologists tell us that despite a nearly unceasing onslaught of terrorist attacks spanning the globe in non muslim areas, that the terrorists are a small faction of the Muslim population and that the terrorists are a minority in the Muslim world. Really? Where is the evidence of all of these so called moderates then? Why aren't the Muslim moderates standing up in force to counter the negative image of Muslims being created by the daily bombings, burning, and beheadings of all of these loving and tolerant muslims? I seem to have missed all reference to beheading non believers, burning everything in sight, and suicide bombings when I read the Bible.

Islam is reported as one of the fastest growing religions in the world. Muslims have flooded into Europe, Asia, and even the US for decades now. Despite being naturalized citizens of their adoptive and respective countries muslims still seem very willing if not eager to participate in fanatic activities such as rioting, burning, and bombing with very little prompting. How can that be? If they are born and raised right along side the other citizens and given the same oppotunities of everyone else then what could possibly compel them to behave that way? Yes I know that there are no lack of scholarly explanations with regard to socio economic impedus which affect the overall mindset and blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is this, these people, under the banner of Islam are ready, willing, and eager to burn, bomb, and kill with as little provocation as some cartoons.

Folks, the warning bells and whistles should be blaring at this point. Now we have a militant muslim leading a major Arab country and thumbing their nose at the UN over restarting their nuclear program? Oh my, does anyone belive for a second that the collective we is going to stand by and let Iran reach nuclear bomb capability? I really don't think so and the question then becomes, what will the reprecussions be to strikes at Iran? Do the crusades come to mind?

But then, don't take my word for it. If you are in doubt, pick up a copy of the Koran and you can spend all the time you want reading about the love and peaceful teachings of the prophet Mohammed as given him by Allah. And you can even be rewarded with 70 virgins in paradise and untold riches just for strapping on a bomb belt and blowing up as many infidels as possible. Hmmm, somehow I seem to be missing all of the love and tolerance as taught by the Koran here. But then again, this is just my humble opinion.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Tolerant Islam

In My Humble Opinion

Did we not just have several weeks of rioting in Paris at the hands of young Muslims? It seems like we were just treated to pictures and videos of cars burning and youth in the streets of paris for over two weeks. Now, we see embassies burning and riots throughout cities in Europe. Iranians threaten full scale uranium enrichment in open defiance of the UN and world at large. I thought Islam was such a loving and peaceful religion so how can this possibly be happening and on such a large scale? And for what you might ask, what terrible event could possibly trigger such alarming reaction throughout the Muslim world? Why the publishing of cartoons depicting Mohammed in charicature of course.

But this is only the most fanatical and extremists Muslim factions you might hear but no amount of revisionism will white wash over this latest example of the hatred that permeates to the very core of Islam for all infidels no matter where they live. Truth be known, Muslims are taught to lie, cheat, steal, and kill as a way of life. The Koran is frought with justification for anything and everything that could and is done to anyone who is a non Muslim. Don't take my word for it, read the Koran for yourself and see if this is not the case.

And what about women's rights in Muslim communities? Where is the outrage at the way women are treated in the Muslim world? Women are considered little more than slaves whose only purpose is to please men. Girls as young as 9 years of age can be taken as brides and divorce consists of little more than a husband announcing three times that he divorces her at any time.

Where is the love in a religion that would strap explosives on young men and women and send them in to blow up themselves and as many others as possible? Revisionist historians might try to aplogize or gloss over history and references to the crusades or conflicts between muslims and christians but the truth of the matter remains that Muslims have always sought to spread their religion by force and by the sword. Apparently, that has not ever changed as evidenced by current events and one has only to think back to the events of September 11th right here in the US to see the love and warmth of Islam demonstrated on a large scale.

I defy anyone to justify the actions of any Muslim anywhere who wantonly and willingly commits such horrendous atrocities as those witnessed in any of the terrorist incidencts that have and continue to occur throughout the world today. Who is to blame for all of the violence and what perpetuates it? I think one has only to look to the Koran for the answers to these questions for it is the very teaching of Mohammed that justifies and exalts such activity. The promise of virgins and riches in heaven must be powerfully tempting for such martyrdom and eagerness to die. If you are seeking mercy and compassion, don't look to the Koran to find it, you will be hard pressed to do so.

In my humble opinion, we should all be aware that our Muslim brothers and sisters might not have our best interest at heart and may in fact wish us harm but then again don't take my word for it, just turn on the news and see for yourself.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Politics of Destruction

In My Humble Opinion :

To say that we live in an environment of attack and destroy with regard to those who think and believe differently is a gross understatement. The politics of attack and personal destruction is evident everywhere we look. A prime example of the politics of personal destruction was evidenced in the Alito hearings where partisan politics trumped all else. Judge Alito could have possessed the character of an insane serial killer but if his political views had been in line with those of the liberal left then he would have been praised as the greatest thing to come along.

The system and process has been so corrupted by the entrenched power brokers and mainstream media attack dogs that little else can be done other than to promote whichever agenda is currently paying the best at any given moment. Forgive my cynicism but let us not be misguided or naive enough to think that the most prevalent agendas in this country are not driven and influenced by money. Those who are well financed and well organized wield the greatest influence among our elected officials and their agenda is given center stage by the eager pundits in the mainstream media.

The process itself has become a deterrent and keeps good people from wanting to even enter their names for consideration. Who can blame them? Who in their right mind is going to want partisan attack dogs snooping into their innermost private lives and looking for anything that can be spun, distorted, and used against them for political gain? Club affiliations, nannies who have been hired, or even how they dress their children has become fair game in today's political environment. Do the democrats really oppose Alito because of his character, reputation, or based on his 15 year tenure on the bench? If so, then they are more comtemptable and more despicable than I thought as Judge Samuel Alito exemplifies honor, dignity, and character. The opposition to confirming Judge Alito is simply based on partisan differences and the fear that Justice Alito will tip the balance of power back towards a more conservative side.

Could a more conservative supreme court mean that judicial activism might be reined in more? I pray that this is exactly what happens. Unelected judges are not supposed to legislate from the bench and the fact that they have been allowed to do so goes against the very core of our form of government. Activist courts have done more to further the liberal and dangerous agenda as witnessed by such landmarks as Rov v Wade, the gay agenda, the assault on the institution of marriage, and even christianity itself. These ideologies fail miserable when presented to the public at large and can not win when put to a vote at state levels leaving the only recourse to attempt to find judges who are like minded and will rule in favor of their political leanings and interests instead of what should be considered for society at large and not just the most vocal minorities.

Enough is enough, civility and decorum must be restored or I fear we are headed towards certain crisis and upheaval. One has only to think back to history for examples of what happens when radical factions become overly empowered or emboldened and power is usurped for personal gain. What happened to the Roman Empire, look what happened in Nazi Germany, or even the Soviet Union. If that isn't good enough to stimulate your thought processes then read George Orwell's, "Animal Farm" for a dose of stark reality and thought provoking stimuli.

For now, we should pray fervently for a revival in our country to return to the christian principles that our great nation was founded upon. Even the best revisionist can not hide the fact that our founding fathers were a deeply religious group of men who possessed great wisdom and foresight as evidenced by the documents which were drafted and placed in effect as our country came into being. How have we done as a country or even a society since we removed prayer from our schools? How has promoting the homosexual agenda benefitted us? How has the assualt on marriage helped us and what has that done to benefit us? We should spend more time on our knees seeking answers and an honest reexamination of our core belief system for the answers to those and many other questions.

God bless you all.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Culture War

Ok so maybe the term culture war is a bit strong, or is it? Is that not exactly what is happening today as opposing ideologies are clashing in all areas of our society? The events which transpired recently with regard to Christmas clearly illustrate how divisive and contentious our society has become. A pervasive intolerance of Christianity seems to be rampant among the vocal minority of secular humanists who control the majority of the mainstream media.

Removing the Pledge Of Allegiance and now, the term "In God We Trust" from our money has become the type of lunacy that is tying up our court system. Political correctness seems to have become the rule of the day instead of just some wacky idea that is laughed at and dismissed summarily. Now, no matter how extreme or nutty something is there are those in the outer fringes who are ready to champion these causes and are given no lack of coverage by their allies in the mainstream media. Spin, over heated rhetoric, and even outright lies and deceptions are presented as being factual, serious journalism.

Not so long ago the ground swell of outrage over something as ridiculous as removing the Pledge Of Allegiance from our public school system to simply appease an overly vocal minority would not have been tolerated. Unfortunately in today's society the logic seems to be to pander to the desires of a few and punish the silent majority. Complacency and apathy by the majority of us in this country who identify ourselves as Christians has exacerbated the problem and emboldened and empowered the secular humanists who wish to destroy our very way of life as we have known it since the beginning of this country. Isn't it time to take a stand and say enough?

In my opinion, we are literally on the precipice of an impending culture war and are fighting for our very survival. An activist judiciary is steadily usurping power from our representative form of government and our Constitution is being shredded and eviscerated. Our rights are disappearing at an alarming right as we sit idly by and watch it happening. Some of our Supreme Court Justices even look to foreign law for answers to domestic problems which is absolutely unacceptable by any standard. I thought we lived in the United States of America, not some socialist conglomeration or New World Order. Enough is enough and the time has come to stand up for our beliefs so we don't have to lie down for the beliefs of others. We must make our voices heard and take action now, while we still can.