Wednesday, September 21, 2005

When is the Left, Right?

In My Humble Opinion:

When is today's, American left correct or right about anything? Much like leftist ideologies akin to socialism and communism which have failed throughout history whenever and whereever they have been tried, the ideas of the left have been proven wrong. Considering the historical and current failings of leftist ideas and philosophies, when is the left ever right about anything?

Is the Welfare state of today the resounding success that the left would like to tout for all to see? How about the generations of children educated in the public school system who are not only devoid of a moral compass but incapable in many cases of reading the diplomas that are given to them simply to get them out of the system? Perhaps it is the murder of innocents in the womb that the left is most proud of with abortion on demand being the rule of the land? How about one of the latest pet projects, the destruction of Christianity and any reference to faith?

Most puzzling is how the left is still able to wield such power and mandate the degree and level of control that is demonstrated even now. How can such a minority with extremist and radical ideologies continue to impact the rules under which the majority are forced to live? More accurately, why is the majority made to live under the rule of the whacky minority and where did the minority get such power?

If a secular society and out of touch and out of control government along with an activist judiciary are taking this country on a path that is diametrically opposed to the intent of the founding fathers, and the majority is made to suffer to accomodate an extremist, fringe minority which is exactly what is happening today, then there are dire problems that must be addressed immediately. Can this country really risk living in a Utopian society as decided by the fringe left, if the left is allowed to continue engineering the society that is determined to be best for the rest of us? The thought chills to the heart and sends cold shudders up the spine. At the very least, these and many other questions deserve some serious thought.

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