Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Right Under Our Noses

In My Humble Opinion

Largely unnoticed, quietly spreading like an undiscovered cancer, all out assaults on just about everything that this great country was founded on are taking place. In many cases these assaults go right under the radar screen of public scrutiny and never make it to the mainstream media. Much of what is largely taken for granted is in serious jeopardy of becoming obsolete and disappearing forever unless something is done almost immediately.

What kind of assaults could I possibly be talking about that pose such a serious threat to things like freedom, liberty or even sovereignty you might ask? A prime example is a dangerous trend taking place in the highest court in the land which has been going on for some time now. The trend of viewing the Constitution as a "living, evolving" entity which is subject to change at the whim of the court has and continues to undermine the very freedoms and liberties that our Founding fathers intended when they wrote the document over two hundred years ago. Another is the trend of some justices looking to laws and precedents outside of the US for help in making decisions which affect all Americans.

But we are powerless to do anything to change these trends you might say, there is nothing that we can do. Not true, the solution is to demand that our elected representatives in Congress stand up and demand that courts return to a more constructionist approach and stop legislating from the bench. Federal courts can not be allowed to continue to thumb their noses at the will of the people and the legislaive branch of government. Apathy and complacency can no longer be tolerated and anyone who is concerned about the trends that are taking place right under our noses must begin by becoming educated about what is taking place, and then start contacting their elected representatives to take immediate action to curtail continued judicial activism. The Legislative branch of government possesses the power to stop judicial activism with the power of impeachment but lacks the will to exercise this measure.

Checks and balances as established in the Constitution of the United States have gone largely ignored for far too long and judicial activism has become an accepted abuse of power to accomplish the goals of extremists who are incapable of being able to get such legislature passed through Congress as it would continue to fail miserably as it goes against the will of the people. A prime example of this is the recent marriage amendment that was overwhelmingly passed by the California voters only to be overturned by the state legislature but later vetoed by governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. This blatant disregard for the people's voice is a dangerous trend that can not be ignored. We the people will cease to be heard if we continue to allow our voice to be silenced in such unconstituional abuses as that which was witnessed in California. We can no longer continue to bury our heads in the sand and pretend that abuses like this just don't affect us, they do! If we do not act and demand that the abuses stop then we could face the tyrannical oppression of unelected, unaccountable, extremist who seek to promote their radical agendas above the will and good of the citizens of this country.

Our country is in desperate need of fervent and unceasing prayer. We are in desperate need of strong, moral leadership and representation. The continued usurping of power can not be tolerated and must stop immediately. This nation must return to the principles and foundations that the Founders intended. Learn about what is taking place and take action to correct it. The risks are too great and the dangers are too dire not to do so. Take action now to preserve our way of life.

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