Friday, December 30, 2005

New Year

Now here is a holiday that just about any secular, progressive, humanist can love. Even the ACLU can take a break from filing lawsuits to remove any slight hint of Christianity from the public venue. So, with out worrying about offending any of those who are well, politically correct, Happy New Year!

2005 was quite eventful and interesting to say the least so here's hoping that 2006 is full of God's blessings for each and every one of you. It is my heartfelt desire that everyone reading this blog will have nothing short of a wonderful year full of blessings in every regard. My prayers are that God will watch over us all and keep us safe from natural disasters and anything harmful. Here on the Gulf Coast we have certainly had our share of natural disasters with hurricanes in 2005. One has only to look back at the horror and devastation of Katrina in New Orleans to understand that clearly. Let's pray and hope that God will keep us from facing such disasters in 2006.

My hope is that we as a nation will rediscover our Chrisitan roots and get back to our basics of prayer and worship. We can no longer cower to the abuses of those who would deny us our fundamental right to worship our Lord as we choose too. I pray for a massive revival of spirituality in America on a massive scale. After all, our country was founded by deeply religious men who left England to escape the tyrany of an established state religion.

Those of us in the silent majority of mainstream Christians have been forced to stand by and watch as fanatic, overly vocal minorities have attempted to force their agendas on us with the assistance of the liberal left who control the mainstream media. This has resulted in the Left feeling emboldened to attempt to remove any and all signs, symbols, and reference to religion from the public view. This was especially true during the Christmas season where many retailers caved to the threat of pressure from those on the left who threatened retaliation through their cronies in the ACLU and other fanatic attack dogs. Thankfully because of the outrage and efforts of such groups as AFA (American Family Association) and massive petition campaigns, Christians were able to make their voices heard and retailers have promised to return to referencing Christmas and not just generic greetings such as Happy Holidays, etc.

In my opinion now is the time to continue to put pressure on the Left and those of their ilk and keep the momentum going. Why should Christians be tolerant of those who are anything but tolerant and silently accept anything and everything that is attempted by the Left? Why should Christians allow secular humanists to dictate when, how, and where we can celebrate the birth of our Lord? I say we can no longer sit by silently and tolerate such insanity. Now is the time to stand up, be counted, and make our voices heard in a loud and clear manner from coast to coast. If secular humanists do not want to celebrate Christmas, don't want to hear Christmas carols, and are offended by Christmas then ignore it! Go start your own holiday and leave ours alone! If Christmas bothers you that much then leave, go to a Muslim country where you don't have to worry about celebrating Christmas.

Let us band together and make our voices heard in 2006. We simply can not tolerate any more of the radical agenda of the secular Left. And here is a little secret that they do not want you to know, you don't have to tolerate their agendas. If we in the silent majority will simply exercise our right of free speech we can make our voices heard. It is all a matter of taking action.

God bless you all and Happy New Year!

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