Saturday, January 14, 2006

Culture War

Ok so maybe the term culture war is a bit strong, or is it? Is that not exactly what is happening today as opposing ideologies are clashing in all areas of our society? The events which transpired recently with regard to Christmas clearly illustrate how divisive and contentious our society has become. A pervasive intolerance of Christianity seems to be rampant among the vocal minority of secular humanists who control the majority of the mainstream media.

Removing the Pledge Of Allegiance and now, the term "In God We Trust" from our money has become the type of lunacy that is tying up our court system. Political correctness seems to have become the rule of the day instead of just some wacky idea that is laughed at and dismissed summarily. Now, no matter how extreme or nutty something is there are those in the outer fringes who are ready to champion these causes and are given no lack of coverage by their allies in the mainstream media. Spin, over heated rhetoric, and even outright lies and deceptions are presented as being factual, serious journalism.

Not so long ago the ground swell of outrage over something as ridiculous as removing the Pledge Of Allegiance from our public school system to simply appease an overly vocal minority would not have been tolerated. Unfortunately in today's society the logic seems to be to pander to the desires of a few and punish the silent majority. Complacency and apathy by the majority of us in this country who identify ourselves as Christians has exacerbated the problem and emboldened and empowered the secular humanists who wish to destroy our very way of life as we have known it since the beginning of this country. Isn't it time to take a stand and say enough?

In my opinion, we are literally on the precipice of an impending culture war and are fighting for our very survival. An activist judiciary is steadily usurping power from our representative form of government and our Constitution is being shredded and eviscerated. Our rights are disappearing at an alarming right as we sit idly by and watch it happening. Some of our Supreme Court Justices even look to foreign law for answers to domestic problems which is absolutely unacceptable by any standard. I thought we lived in the United States of America, not some socialist conglomeration or New World Order. Enough is enough and the time has come to stand up for our beliefs so we don't have to lie down for the beliefs of others. We must make our voices heard and take action now, while we still can.

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