Saturday, February 04, 2006

Tolerant Islam

In My Humble Opinion

Did we not just have several weeks of rioting in Paris at the hands of young Muslims? It seems like we were just treated to pictures and videos of cars burning and youth in the streets of paris for over two weeks. Now, we see embassies burning and riots throughout cities in Europe. Iranians threaten full scale uranium enrichment in open defiance of the UN and world at large. I thought Islam was such a loving and peaceful religion so how can this possibly be happening and on such a large scale? And for what you might ask, what terrible event could possibly trigger such alarming reaction throughout the Muslim world? Why the publishing of cartoons depicting Mohammed in charicature of course.

But this is only the most fanatical and extremists Muslim factions you might hear but no amount of revisionism will white wash over this latest example of the hatred that permeates to the very core of Islam for all infidels no matter where they live. Truth be known, Muslims are taught to lie, cheat, steal, and kill as a way of life. The Koran is frought with justification for anything and everything that could and is done to anyone who is a non Muslim. Don't take my word for it, read the Koran for yourself and see if this is not the case.

And what about women's rights in Muslim communities? Where is the outrage at the way women are treated in the Muslim world? Women are considered little more than slaves whose only purpose is to please men. Girls as young as 9 years of age can be taken as brides and divorce consists of little more than a husband announcing three times that he divorces her at any time.

Where is the love in a religion that would strap explosives on young men and women and send them in to blow up themselves and as many others as possible? Revisionist historians might try to aplogize or gloss over history and references to the crusades or conflicts between muslims and christians but the truth of the matter remains that Muslims have always sought to spread their religion by force and by the sword. Apparently, that has not ever changed as evidenced by current events and one has only to think back to the events of September 11th right here in the US to see the love and warmth of Islam demonstrated on a large scale.

I defy anyone to justify the actions of any Muslim anywhere who wantonly and willingly commits such horrendous atrocities as those witnessed in any of the terrorist incidencts that have and continue to occur throughout the world today. Who is to blame for all of the violence and what perpetuates it? I think one has only to look to the Koran for the answers to these questions for it is the very teaching of Mohammed that justifies and exalts such activity. The promise of virgins and riches in heaven must be powerfully tempting for such martyrdom and eagerness to die. If you are seeking mercy and compassion, don't look to the Koran to find it, you will be hard pressed to do so.

In my humble opinion, we should all be aware that our Muslim brothers and sisters might not have our best interest at heart and may in fact wish us harm but then again don't take my word for it, just turn on the news and see for yourself.

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