Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Politics of Destruction

In My Humble Opinion :

To say that we live in an environment of attack and destroy with regard to those who think and believe differently is a gross understatement. The politics of attack and personal destruction is evident everywhere we look. A prime example of the politics of personal destruction was evidenced in the Alito hearings where partisan politics trumped all else. Judge Alito could have possessed the character of an insane serial killer but if his political views had been in line with those of the liberal left then he would have been praised as the greatest thing to come along.

The system and process has been so corrupted by the entrenched power brokers and mainstream media attack dogs that little else can be done other than to promote whichever agenda is currently paying the best at any given moment. Forgive my cynicism but let us not be misguided or naive enough to think that the most prevalent agendas in this country are not driven and influenced by money. Those who are well financed and well organized wield the greatest influence among our elected officials and their agenda is given center stage by the eager pundits in the mainstream media.

The process itself has become a deterrent and keeps good people from wanting to even enter their names for consideration. Who can blame them? Who in their right mind is going to want partisan attack dogs snooping into their innermost private lives and looking for anything that can be spun, distorted, and used against them for political gain? Club affiliations, nannies who have been hired, or even how they dress their children has become fair game in today's political environment. Do the democrats really oppose Alito because of his character, reputation, or based on his 15 year tenure on the bench? If so, then they are more comtemptable and more despicable than I thought as Judge Samuel Alito exemplifies honor, dignity, and character. The opposition to confirming Judge Alito is simply based on partisan differences and the fear that Justice Alito will tip the balance of power back towards a more conservative side.

Could a more conservative supreme court mean that judicial activism might be reined in more? I pray that this is exactly what happens. Unelected judges are not supposed to legislate from the bench and the fact that they have been allowed to do so goes against the very core of our form of government. Activist courts have done more to further the liberal and dangerous agenda as witnessed by such landmarks as Rov v Wade, the gay agenda, the assault on the institution of marriage, and even christianity itself. These ideologies fail miserable when presented to the public at large and can not win when put to a vote at state levels leaving the only recourse to attempt to find judges who are like minded and will rule in favor of their political leanings and interests instead of what should be considered for society at large and not just the most vocal minorities.

Enough is enough, civility and decorum must be restored or I fear we are headed towards certain crisis and upheaval. One has only to think back to history for examples of what happens when radical factions become overly empowered or emboldened and power is usurped for personal gain. What happened to the Roman Empire, look what happened in Nazi Germany, or even the Soviet Union. If that isn't good enough to stimulate your thought processes then read George Orwell's, "Animal Farm" for a dose of stark reality and thought provoking stimuli.

For now, we should pray fervently for a revival in our country to return to the christian principles that our great nation was founded upon. Even the best revisionist can not hide the fact that our founding fathers were a deeply religious group of men who possessed great wisdom and foresight as evidenced by the documents which were drafted and placed in effect as our country came into being. How have we done as a country or even a society since we removed prayer from our schools? How has promoting the homosexual agenda benefitted us? How has the assualt on marriage helped us and what has that done to benefit us? We should spend more time on our knees seeking answers and an honest reexamination of our core belief system for the answers to those and many other questions.

God bless you all.

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